Welcome to the Infinity Café.

This was one of the many products that I created in 3D Studio.

Below is the first rendering of the café that I produced.

Obviously, the immediate comment was about the name “Math Hole”.

And then next was the OLD looking computer (even for the 1990’s).

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version



My next rendition was a little far out.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version


The idea was for the user (of the software) to feel like they walked into a modern

day café. So my next model (there might have been a few more in between)

was a refinement of the first café.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version


Rather than using avatars or pretending to be a person whom you chose

from some selection, we wanted the user to feel like they walked in

and sat down at a computer in an internet café.

The problem was solved with lighting. I put the light behind the viewer,

so that when he/she walked in to sit down the shadow

animated on the computer and table from the left.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version


ABOVE - When the user was finished for the day,

the shadow stood up and exited to the right.

At the end of each interactive lesson, the user could opt to go to a game

associated with its particular lesson material. If you look on the left

of the computer monitor, you will see an arcade game.

If you clicked on the game, you could play “Road Kill”.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version

Actually, it was renamed to “SPLAT”. The player was shown

a screen that was essentially a driving simulation.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version


The word to be defined would splat on the windshield.

When the answer was correct a notification would be displayed on the road.

Then the windshield wiper would remove the word.

The driver could change the speed and add difficulty.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the large version


There were various scenes along the highway. It was interesting

to conjure up scenery going by, that repeated indefinitely.




When the player answered the question correctly, they were treated

to a reward presentation. In the example below, the driver was taken

to the Cockroach Hall of Fame. Upon arrival, the giant cockroach

started to move onto the road – oh.no!


In Grade Builder: Algebra 1, 'Death by Algebra,' is a quiz-show style game

in which the user answers a series of questions at various difficulty levels.

Correct answers, which must be provided within a specified time period,

earn the player points, while incorrect answers cost them one of their (game) lives.

The user may choose to begin with simple questions, of minimal point value

and work up to the more difficult challenges.

My early attempts for the opening animation might have been just a little gruesome.


Algabraic equations were fed to a guillotine, chopped and dropped into a basket.

The next suggestion was Haunted by Algebra where algebraic

equations jumped off a chalkboard into a basket.

A later version of Death by Algebra actually made it to the finals.