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4/22 - Delft to Leiden - A sunny cold day with varying scenery. We rode through The Hague,

through several forests and natural parks, then into the desolate dunes

along the North Sea. Total of about 40 miles today before reaching

our destination of Leiden, Holland's 4th oldest city.


ABOVE - Judith riding through the government buildings.

Fountain in front of Government Buildings in The Hague (Den Haag).

The Hague has been Netherland's seat of government since 1588.

Below - Another view of government buildings in The Hague

Judith at the exit gate of the Government Buildings

Fred in front of the International Court of Justice


Below - Signs at the entrance of the park (Haagse Bos) through which we rode in Den Haag

Judith on the bike path in Haagse Bos. Leaves are just beginning to appear on the trees.


Below, left - Lots of white and pink flowers covered the floor of the forest on both sides of our path


Below - There is constant construction to upgrade the bike paths.

In one town, they were building new bike bridges and regrading a path.

We followed detour signs to get through city streets to the next section.


Below - Judith riding in the Haagse Bos (park).

Just outside the woods were mansions (at least nice old homes).


Below - Welcome to the Dunes of Holland - we rode approximately 20 kilometers

through the dunes that protect the inland country from the North Sea.

Fred at a lunch stop in the dunes


Below - These are the hills of Holland!


Below - Judith riding through the Dunes. The dunes go on as far as you can see


Below, left - We made it to the North Sea (Noord Zee).

Below, middle - Judith at beach town of Katwijk along the North Sea (Noord Zee)

Below, right - The bakery is celebrating the upcoming coronation of King Willem.


Below, left - Another of many styles of thatched roof houses that we passed today.

 We learned from a local that these roofs are very expensive to make and it costs a lot for fire insurance.

Below, right - The De Valk Windmill is one of the two remaining windmills in Leiden Netherlands.


Below - Canal that divides Old & New Leiden.

Old has 14th & 15th century buildings; New was built starting in 16th century

Below, right - Stadhuis (City Hall) in Leiden


The Dutch city of Leiden (Leyden in Dutch) is a picturesque community

located in the tulip-growing district in the Netherlands.

It is home to the oldest university in the country, Leiden University, built in 1575.


Below, right - Our room at Huys van Leyden, our Bed & Breakfast for the night.


Below - Original ceiling from 1611 in our room at the B&B in Leiden